Friday, July 22, 2011

Double-Personality Writing Moments- Part 2

So, People-icans.... I've finished my novel! BUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Anyways, it was a sort of sad moment. I was so happy to finish yet I was also thinking: I miss it. I missed writing about the characters I had so excitedly made a life for. I worked so hard to make these characters people could relate with and now their story is over. It's a love/hate relationship. So, now that one story is over :( I can start a new one :) And then I can rage when it is over, too! Sounds like a plan... and I like plans. So yeah, it was a fun few months. We had good times, story... you and I. Now after destroying multiple places, killing off characters (good and bad), and weaving a love story... it is over.
So now I can turn to the three other stories and create them!
So, yeah. I will try to post more often about the awkward moments when I argue with myself over it.
So, yeah. Peace off, People-icans. Enter awkward ending here.... The truth is ugly... SHARE IT!

If I Had a Genie - Part 13

Hellllo, People-icans, so today's wishes are....

1) The ability to touch a book and have all information revealed to you... Why? Well, it's not because I don't like to read but when you're reading a book for an assignment, it would be useful. Yes, the book is acually quite good, but still if I touched it and knew everything just like if I had read it... useful. But, oh well! Who knew a book about the history of the world revolving around drinks would be so neat! But seriously, touching to read this book and other school related books would be useful. Even if the books are not that bad ;D

2) A pegasus puppy... I don't know why, but if my puppies had wings it would be so adorable. They could just fly around all day like, "Yeah, I'm a puppy with wings. What are you gonna do about it?!" And the people who saw that would think, "Puppy + wings + talk?! What the heck?!" And I'd nod in the background and yell "COME HITHER FLYING PUPPIES!!" And they would float gracefully through the air back to my side. So, what would happen? I would take my flying puppies everywhere and say "Aw!" at random moments.

3) The ability to perfectly edit my writings... Why? Because then it wouldnt be: I think this is how it goes. It would be: This is how it goes, argue if thy dares. And sure, I'm pretty positive about most of it, but there are still those things that just make me wonder. It sounds right, but is it. Then you have the spelling and grammer check on Microsoft words. YOU JUST CAN'T TRUST IT! It lied about the commas! There was supposed to be a comma inbetween those two parts. You do not say "He nodded a smile on his lips." It just sounds odd. I liked the comma! And then when the comma checker decides to show up and you think to yourself "This isn't right...". So, to fix your confusion you click explain. And the example is "She was, a cheerleader."


Of course that's wrong! WHY WOULD A COMMA BE THERE! So that is the example that is supposed to comfort me, but it doesn't. So yes, it is annoying. Very, very annoying.

So, that is all! Peace out, People-icans. Remember, the truth is ugly... Share it!

Friday, July 8, 2011

If I had a Genie - Part 12

If I had a genie, People-icans.... here's what I'd wish for!

1) The ability for google to have exactly the information I need, and not unrelated/useless stuff... Why? Because I need to research stuff about sub-saharan Africa, and the stupid google box takes my search, and gives me things that are useless. I looked up "how water is used in Africa" and it decides that giving me stuff about green water. How does this help me google?! HOW! Lucky for google, though, I managed to get some basic info so I could plan out my essay. Now it just needs to be written and I need additional information, but I will find it! Or else!

2) Freezing time so that everything was on pause and I had time to do what I needed, without losing actual time... Why? Because it would rock! I mean come on, homework, extracurricular assignments?! I hate using all my time on it because then I have no time for fun. So, by freezing time but not me, I could accomplish all those things and still have an entire day of nothing. Awesome! I would have a time freezing party, and if anybody else has the ability, they can be invited. But since it's my wish, it may not be possible. I am sorry! So yes, if my wish came true... time frozen!

3) To live in Ireland... why? Because accents are hot. Enough said.

So, those are my wishes, one of wish was extremely brief. Because really, how can you elaborate on Ireland. Sexy landscape, sexy accents.... it would be a party. So, remember... the truth is ugly, unless it's a pretty truth( so share it, ugly or pretty). PEACE OUT, PEOPLE-ICANS!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Day Justice Was(n't) Served.

So, People-icans. Today, July 5th, 2011. Justice was served. Just kidding, it was a lie! Justice was indeed not served. If the court was taco bell, I would not have gotten my dog food taco. And I love those tacos, no matter what the health people say.
So, in all seriousness, I say this: What the freak?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

First off, I'd like to say to the jury. Where you awake during the trial? Or were you sleeping with your eyes open? Because, how did the verdict pronounce the guilty as innocent? Did you not hear the defense?


-defense- "Okay, guys. First, Caylee drowned. AND we blame the parents."
-good guys- "But defense, why was she in the forest in a bag with ducttape?!"
-defense- "I tell you this..... the meter man...."
-good guys - "The meter man?"
-defense- "Yes. The meter man. He went... and took her body and put it there!"
- good guys to the meter man - "Do you know these people and have you ever been in their home."
- meter man - "No, never."
- defense - "Oh but he did it. The baby drowned and he took her!"

Okay... so first the baby happened to drown because she was alone and not being watched. Good parenting, someone deserves mommy of the month! But, my question is.... if the baby drowned, why not call the police? Why would a baby that accidentally drowned end up in a swamp.... And why did she happen to have a little heart sticker residue on the ductape, similar to those in the home of Casey Anthony? And why.... were searches for chloroform on the computer?

-defense - "well, Cindy said she was trying to search chlorophyl, but she couldnt spell it, thereform the harsher chemical... came up. Yes, that's what happened."

Oh, okay. So... a nurse can't spell chlorophyl... and she so brutally misspells it that somehow... some m's and f's just weave in there. I didn't know we were searching for chlorofplym. I just happened to forget the phlegm when I pronounced it. OOPSIE! But I'm sure it must be hard on Cindy. You lose your granddaughter, and I'm sure she wants to protect her daughter. Still....

So, now we go to the nanny. She was the original person accused of taking Caylee. So, you may be thinking. That sounds reasonable, I can understand that. However, what if I just reword it a little.
The baby was taken by a figment of Casey's imagination. Ah? That still make sense? NO! It doesn't make any sense! Nor does  the fact that when Casey "disappeared", a month passed before any call was made.

OH! But she probably thought the baby was on a prologned play date. You know how play dates can get. One minute it's only for half an hour, next thing you know they wanna play for a month. Yes... definetely. What kid wouldn't want to have a month long play date!?

So, now im going to journey back  to the internet searches. Let's say that Cindy's statement that SHE made those searches, isn't true. That it was Casey. Now, if you had no bad intentions for this search... why would you be searching for such a substance? Now, some people may try and come up with anything that could change the fact that something so bad has occured. They may say: Maybe they needed help sleeping, and NYQUIL just doesnt work like a good old rag to the face. Cause everyone is SO FREAKING TIRED OF NORMAL MEDICINES! THEY JUST DON'T WORK! But really, yes... I searched how to break necks and about "knock out substances" out of pure curiousity. In no way to I plan to do ANYONE harm.

....Okay. Not.

So, continuing on. Casey also borrowed a shovel from her neighbor? Hmmm, planting some flowers there, are ya? But... wasn't she supposed to be spending the night with the nonexistent nanny?

So... all in all. I think that everything was pretty far fetched, and that it was pretty impossible to think that she couldnt have done it. Yet, they did. So, sidenote.

While a little baby is dead, the defense is having a champagne party. They arent trying to think on who could have killed the baby since Casey is "innocent". They aren't sad because yes a baby is dead. They are celebrating because they have allowed someone who shouldnt have been innocent, to walk. A compulsive liar who we know didn't like being a mother, who partied while her daughter was with a "nanny", and whose little daughter had fatigue marks on her eyes when she shouldnt have, walks free. It is indeed a sad day, when something so plain is not seen. Some may say that the prosecuters didn't prove without a reasonable doubt, but can they really say a defense whose theories and ideas were unreliable and who had a lawyer (Jose Baez) who was repeatedly scolded and reprimanded, proved that Casey was innocent. Justice was not brought, and that is an extremely ugly truth.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Double-Personality Writing Moments

Okay, people-icans. So... I have a novel I am working on. Yes, a novel, because it sounds more classy than a "book". And it also makes it seem like I have experience in the field, which I don't really. Experience in writing, yes. Which, by the way, is nowhere near as crazy as my blog posts! Anyways, so I decided to do some blogs about moments I have as a writer.
For one, when I write, I love that there is this other half of your mind that is like a reader. And so while you are writing, there's a part of you that's going: NO! NOOOO! Dang gone it... WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?!?!?! Yet, the writer side of you is giving a sympathetic nod that says: Because it creates a good plot line.... and makes you want to read more. The reader gets this, yet it doesnt like it at all. The reader is thinking; Oh good, Im glad this suits you, writer. I'm glad that you have to make it so difficuilt to get where all the readers want.
Well, reader half of my mind.... if I made it simple... THAT WOULD BE BORING. SO SUCK IT UP!
What about Jack and Jill.... we know they were probably fine and got their water all happily and what not. But imagine if the story actually went like that.

Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
They twirled the crank
and out it came
And they went home to father.

OH GOOD! Happy ending... yay. But come on... I just yawned. I yawned.... This is much more pleasing.... sure they get hurt. But hellllooo, every story needs some drama!

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after.
Up got Jack, and home did trost.
As fast as he could caper.
He went to bed and bound his head
With vinegar and brown paper.

That's better. Same happy ending, but their was a hindering effect of him bumping his head and Jill... falling down because he did (That follower). And he even has a battle scar, a temporary knot on his head! Good for you Jack!

SO that is what I mean reader portion of me. Next time you say : Couldn't she just know Nick from the start? - hair flip and gum pop - Writer portion will respond:

NO! - pops gum with pencil -  So unless you want a boring unfit story, you need to chillax. Because this is going to be cooler than a bag of flavo fives! I don't care what you say cause deep down you are like YES YES YES YES YES. Because had he met her earlier... none of that awesome stuff would have happened beccause there would be no need. And if that stuff didn't happen you wouldnt be going "AW THAT'S SO AMAZING!" And if we weren't saying that, nothing intense would ever happen, because through that ONE LITTLE CHANGE, THE ENTIRE PLOT AND STORY WOULD BE ALTERED.
Boy meets girl. True Love. No angry havoc. No life changing moments. No attacks. BLAH BLAH BLAH JUNK! No. We need it like it is. Girl meets wrong boy. Loves wrong boy. Life changing stuff. Finds right boy. LA DI DA DI DA! So there, reader me, you may be aggravated. But it's worth it.

And that, people-icans, if the ugly truth of a double personality writer. We sit there, writing something good, but a part of us is always going "NOOOOOO!" not because it's bad, but because we really wish something different had happened. But at the end of the day, if there was no drama. Things wouldn't exist! So, the truth is ugly... SHARE IT! Peace out, People-icans!