Sunday, October 30, 2011

If I Had A Genie - Part 14

Sooo, People-icans. I know I just posted like 5 seconds ago saying, "I'm probably not going to blog- blog today." but I lied, unintentionally.... Anyways, soooo let's have at it. If this blog is actually being read by anyone... then oh my jesus, welcome! And if it isn't... then whatever. So, let's begin:

1) A breakfast burrito - Why? Because I am unusually hungry and I don't want a waffle, though I will end up going into the kitchen after being awake for hours and finding something that isn't a burrito of breakfastness. And I know, this is a weird lame wish, but it's my blog so I can do what I want.

2) A time machine - Why? Because come on, wouldn't it be uber cool to go and watch the past and if you were brave enough alter it. Yeah, you could be like "Eww I ate this today and it made me sick." AND THEN proceed to travel into the past, dress like a ninja, attack your past self and then.... take away the food item. That's it... then you will not have gotten sick, altering the fabrication of the space-time whatever the word is. Anyways, plus you could like, save friendships and relationships and other trivial things, but whatever. ;P

3) A hawtyhothawt from my story - Why? Because he is epic, is that a problem? Hawt and sensitive, need I say more? No! And so I won't. Hot, there I am done.

So, until next time People-icans..... that is all. Peace out, and remember: the truth is ugly so SHARE IT! But make it look pretty so people will listen, not really it's a troll! Peace out!

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