Alright, it is officially Friday.. therefore I have no singing intro to perform... Aw... Soo instead Im going to just post my 3 wishes of the day AND my new graphic that may or may not be good... so before the wishes.. here it is ...

Yes... Super stars with a Genie on the side... thats insane in the membrane..... eh? EH? Anyways..
my 3 wishes..... starting now.
1) A DVD for the 6th Season of Dexter... Why? Because it's not going to air until September and I want to watch it now!!! Dexter is awesome.... the most awesome of all awesome-ness. And I am so excited for it... But it's months away... SIGH OF INWARD ANNOYANCE. Sooo Yeah, I want a nonexistent copy of it ;D What would happen.. Well... lets just say ME... My Parents... and 12 hours of epicness... YEAH!
2) Dumbo the flying elephant.... Why? Cause he is sooo adorable. I love his immensly huge ears. He's just like "Look at me, I have huge ears that I can wrap around myself like a Blanket.. Look they help me fly... Look, because of them I have a talking mouse!" And I''m like "Nice man... Nice.. TO NEVERLAND" And he can go there... With a flap of his ears we will be off... cause he believes he can fly.. he believes he can touch the... sky or neverland.... Anyways. Yeah talk about adorable transportation. A Bus can't be your pet and be your mobile machine.... Walking through the street with him on a leash as a pet... decide you dont wanna walk to the store "DUMBO AWAY" And now he is your plane to get you there. Sure I could say a hovercraft but that could be possible in a few years... flying elephant, much more classy. So what would happen? Well, theres going to be a 50% chance of rain and elephant overcast, yep.
3) Every video game in existence... Why? Because then I could just play whatever I felt like.. and since I magically summoned them, whichever ones me and my family dont like can be sold for money. And we would profit because of that awesomeness.... and it would be cool. Plus, helllooo tons of video games. I'd be occupied for a while and just since it's free.. free anything is good to me. So what would happen? A lot of video game playing and many raging blogs when I got stuck on a game!
So, as usual people-icans... Rate this, favorite it, share on your social website thingy, follow and enjoy. Remember, Dexter is the best, dumbo is a way classier form of transportation than a hovercraft, tons of free video games could equal money... and the truth is ugly, share it! Peace out people-icans!