Hello People-icans! So, this is a titled Rant, but it's actually not useful to anything whatsoever besides the fact I need to get it off my mind. Markers that come with those little felt coloring images are a lie. And you are probably thinking, "Ohh, then how are they a LIE?!" And all I have to say is..... the marker is skin color.. and it comes out orange! It's a epic dilemmea! I get this dang felt picture and it has these markers that...
1) Arent even able to be used with the picture .. Tinkerbell doesnt have red anywhere on her unless the picture was of her dead or something....
2) The colors are not what they appear.... YES Finally a beautiful pink marker.. aww it came out red. YAY, skin colored marker! Awww it comes out like tangerine. Thank you very much.
3) Where are 4 baby markers going to get me.... even if they do work properly you literally end up going like this..
This is nice... what a lovely picture - color an inch worth of skin - marker is dead... no more ink and you have to go find a SIMILAR marker.. and you color with it and nothing matches now.. theres all this decent skin colored marker then a patch of that one dead marker color and you HATE IT!
So, People-icans... two words, unless you write it together... colored pencils. Thats how I roll, colored pencils and crayons.... you dont get colored pencils that aren't what they say or crayons that aren't what they say... you get what the dang wrapper says. If your crayon says dark brown.. we are not dealing with mocha! If it says sunshine yellow.. it looks like the sun if it didnt blind you when you look at it. Thank you crayons and colored pencils, for being what you are. Honest creations.
Remember, the truth is ugly... SHARE IT!