Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Do you suffer from sleep loss? Amnesia? Upset Stomach? Diarrhea? Then you need pepto bismol CAUSE YOU’VE BEEN POKED! AH yes.... the infamous poke.... we've all seen it.. we have all felt it. Sometimes its when you log into Facebook and see an alert on your homepage. And you feel MAD. All you can think is... WHY DID THEY POKE ME?! Other times its when your staring off into space... and your friend wants your attention. It looks a little like this:

*poke* Hey...

*poke* Hey...

*poke* HEYYYYYY!


*poke* nothing..

Bet that’s annoying? Of course it is! Well fear not.. for there is a solution... It’s name is.. Retaliation!

If you've been poked. SIMPLY POKE BACK. Yes it’s THAT easy! However.. there is only one warning....

Sometimes your friends don’t like this little poke back, eh. All is fair only if you’re the victim! So... beware of this..

*You're poked* heck no.. Uhhh heck no *poke back*

- 5 seconds later you receive a message -


And that’s about it. So... the moral of this story... if you're poked... poke back... only if the friend will not have a voice spasm and go up 8 octaves.. hence destroying your ear drums... and NOT LIKING THE POKE BACK.

So since this is a rant. What do I think about poking, you ask? Well let’s just sum this up in a little jingle....

I got poked.. dun a dun a dun a DUN

And it was a HOAX.. dun a dun a dun a DUN

So POKED.. dun dun.. SO POKED .. DUN DUN..

And it wasn’t goood...

dun dun dun dun DUNN

I poked back..


Then got smacked


And it was real... lame.

And yeah that’s about it. So... chil'en

If you cant handle the poking... get off of your home page..


If you cant handle the poking... push your friend out of your car... JUST KIDDING THAT’S ILLEGAL!

So..... people-icans. Don’t poke... cause poking is bad.... and if you do poke then you’re bad, mm'k

But fear not.. because I have a dream, that one day haters... and lovers of the poke.. can come together... as one. .. and in this together-ness.... we will see a lot of poking.

Post.Script.... if you are a witness of this rant, it was created upon request. None of the above statements were meant to offend anyone. So if you have a phobia of the poke or have had a bad experience.. forgive me. And if you REALLY hate this rant. Feel free to comment below, because I love input.. even the bad kind.



Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!

Have you fallen? Have you needed help to get back up? Did you have to hit the little red emergency button? Yes? No? Maybe? Well, guess what, a little trip isn’t the only way to fall. The possibilities are endless… fall in love, fall in guilt, fall under peer-pressure... fall everywhere all the time! And sometimes… when you fall you can’t get back up easily! You are stuck, you are chained… Sure sometimes it’s not too bad. Falling in love, heck that’s nice, but peer-pressure... guilt... not nice... literally falling down stairs isn’t nice. So what happens when you've fallen and can’t get up easily ??? Dial that 911 and dial it fast! Guilt? CALL A FRIEND! Peer-pressure? CLAW YOUR WAY BACK UP! Falling down real stairs? CALL A DOCTOR! Getting back up isn’t impossible! You just need a hand to lift you up again.. when you feel there’s no way up, you’re wrong. Maybe alone it’s "difficult" ( but not impossible) but remember there’s a world out there to assist you!! Heck, I’ve fallen, but I got the hand I needed... the eternal.. glorified hand of God and now even though I’m falling in smaller places, I have that one great friend.. the best doctor… to help me over and over! Anyways.. so you’ve fallen down some stairs.. you are scraped up! You are sad, you are bleeding.. but don’t worry, here comes someone with a band-aid! YOU ARE NOT HELPLESS, IF YOU'VE FALLEN SLAP ON THE BAND-AID AND GET BACK UP! Do skate-boarders fall and cry! HECK NO they get back up! Do ice skaters fall and hit that ice and stay down... Nope. Should you fall and stay down…? No. Yes, you've fallen.. but it doesn’t mean you have to retreat emotionally. Don’t get me wrong.. if you’re being peer-pressured it doesn’t mean to stay and keep going.. I don’t mean that when I say get back up... I mean that you don’t have to stay down... don’t stay down... don’t put yourself in a position where your world is crumbling around you, were your stuck down on the floor, where you can so easily be hurt, get up.... be strong... You've fallen, you can get back up! THIS WAR IS NOT LOST... DON’T STAY DOWN. DON’T STAY VULNERABLE! GET ON YOUR FEET AND SURVIVE! There is never ever going to be a situation that you cant get out of.. there will never be a moment where you can’t get up. The ugly truth is not that we've fallen... It’s that so many people fall and think they can’t get up.. and when they think they can’t, they will never try! THAT IS THE UGLY TRUTH WE BELIEVE! WE CANT SO WE DON’T!!!! THE UGLY TRUTH DOESN’T INVOLVE THE FACT WE FALL, IT INVOLVES THE FACT WE GIVE UP!!!!!!! DON’T GIVE UP, DON’T THINK YOU CANT! YOU CAN... I CAN!

That, People-icans… is the Ugly Truth! So Share it!



Stress darling stress
How you cause such a mess…
Leave not but a wreck
Oh heck
It’s stress
The lowest of lows…
A never-ending flow…
A break would be best
Oh heck
It’s stress
Through day and through night
It’s really a fright…
The escape may be rest
Oh heck...
There’s the stress

Yes a poem… Why? Because in all truth If I ranted about stress… it would take forever.. One day I will for now this best illustrates it… So is a poem a nice change from my novels? If ya like it tell me and I will do it more often!

Random Rant Day

Once again, I’m having trouble doing everything I want in my packed life! Sooo unfortunately… I don’t have the time to do an official topic rant today! However… I can’t NOT rant, Sooo I’m just going to have a RANDOM RANT YAY... Anyways.. soooo first of all, today and yesterday were great days! I made an immense effort to be better and it worked.. and No I don’t mean a better person in general.. I’m talking about the fact i never know what to say when I’m talking to my boyfriend.. anyways.. I’ve been saying EVERY RANDOM THOUGH I’VE HAD to him. And well as I see it, it upsets him when I’m quiet X_X but when I’m talkative he's happy... and well when I reassure him through talking he gives off vibes that therefore reassure ME... so its a big reassurance cycle! Anyways moving on... I’ve learned that my humor is like a ninja.. see I’M so quiet sometimes.. then outta nowhere a funny comment just SPILLS from my mouth.. and everyone laughs.. It’s just an element of surprise! And other times I just breathe out funny.. and well they STILL laugh.. but that’s besides the point. Okay.. the point is that cookies are Gods gift to us.. less than 3 cookies.. less than 3... anyways.. Another topic to rant about.. oh.. well I’m still waiting to get the books I want. It’s getting kind of frustrating cause well... I’ve been waiting over a week now since the book that I’ve been waiting for has come out.. but I waited months before that.. and then of course the NEW books i want! So it’s just saddening knowing they are so close yet so far. Another thing.. I’m still so happy about my title graphic.. I was doing wrong size all along... and it finally worked.. and I was just like YESH.. and now there it is... And well I like it.. It’s so random but it’s so cool... anyways... Yeah! I want to see Iron Man 2... and yeah.. wow... I’m so vague about my life.. guess that’s good? I don’t really want to give every second of my day. I prefer ranting about topics I think people should hear.. it allows me to vent things that have been bugging me AND I entertain people.. so yeah.. and random rants of course are me ranting about things that, well, I want to rant about! WHICH REMINDS ME.. I just hate it when someone tries to cut in front of you’re walking path and you go " Sorry go ahead" EVEN THOUGH THEY CUT IN FRONT OF YOU.. and of course the dang cutters decide to go.. " No you go ahead" What the freak... okay SOO FIRST you attempt to cut me off.. AND THEN YOU DENY MY OFFER OF ME LETTING YOU PASS AFTER YOU TRIED TO CUT ME?! And to make it work you OFFER FOR ME TO GO! Hello... you cut me off.. I’m being nice .. just say thank you and leave Okay.. that’s how it goes.. " Sorry go ahead"... "Oh thanks ' - they pass in front of you - and then you shake head and continue on.. end of story..! BY saying NOO YOU GO AHEAD.. you make me repeat my "No you go ahead" and it’s just frustrating now okay.. just go already.. you’re burning daylight and my patience! Anyways.. yeah... I’m quite bored.. I think I’m going to start writing again.. as in a book me and my friend are working on.. it depends if she allows me back on board... soo yeah... she MIGHT.. not sure though... she also MIGHT say no.... and in all honesty I know she will say Yes just cause I know her.. but knowing her I KNOW she will read this and is probably reading right now.. soo um.. - cough - ( waves at friend who MAY be reading this right now..) Anyways.. she will let me back onboard the book. Continuing... It’s really annoying when someone goes " she wont" or "he wont" they say it when it makes no sense.. and sure it’s funny but still 50 times later it’s just old.. or " that’s a neck" really okay funny first few times old after it’s said thousands of times.. and finally.. I must say this to you my people-icans.. never ever ever.. ever.. ever.. ever... ever.... ever.... ever.. never ever ever... um... well I forgot soo.... Anyways thats the ugly truth.. SHARE IT!

Random Rant Day

Hello all my fellow people-icans! Today is a random rant day... why??? Well… I didn’t feel like remaking a post that was recently deleted... joking. I just didn't have time to make a full-blown rant… SO I settled for a random rant! First of all... I’ve been reading a lot recently... I adore all my books but they stink so bad also!!!! For example, the book "Tempted" What a horrible ending it had… it was so good and so good and then ' And my soul shattered" the end... BUT the next book, "Burned" finally came out and I was like YESH! However, the whole book her soul remained shattered… and then at the very end… it was fixed because her warrior came and fixed her... aw... so the last page she’s like " Awake.. come to your Queen, warrior… its All over" and then IN ITALICS " and I heard the voice of my goddess Nyx laughing gently… No it’s only the beginning" The end... That entire wait from the last book only to have an even worse wait… not cool, dude, not cool. And then the Vampire Diaries… so the latest book was BEAST… I mean BEAST... Damon and Elena are bonding but she LOVES Stefan. However Damon is sooo good for her… they are just like fire and gasoline… put em together and something’s going to explode.. but it’s so beast… anyways… she finally gets Stefan… but still the feelings for Damon remain… And Damon and Stefan are both vampires… BUT Damon is like MEANT to be a vampire… You CANT imagine him any different! But well… lets just say Damon sniffs the flowers meant to give Stefan humanity once again… and Damon… the super vampire… is now human… this is the last page of the book keep that in mind.. So I’m like NOOOOOO… and the last freaking line of the book was "And I knew in that moment we had lost a vital ally… but that was meant to worry over later… right now, in the moment... we collapsed in gales of laughter" Uh huh.. Really… not cool… ALL MY BOOKS LIKE TO TAUNT ME! I love them so bad… but no they hate me! Anyways... I took up most of my rant space about my books…

And I won’t continue!

The Truth is ugly, People-icans! Share it!

How not to get burnt.. by life!

Burnt. It hurts emotionally and physically... Burnt from the sun.. owww... eating burnt toast... eww.... What is the cause of getting burnt? Well, we stay in the heat too long without protection!!! Why do we do it?! Well, we think its going to be okay! What do we do?! LATHER ON THE FREAKING SPF 100000!!! We, as humans, go into dangerous situations without a plan.. and without a plan, we get STUCK in that situation. Hence we are in it WAY TOO LONG. See I'm not saying we shouldn't do things in life to help people.. we just can't let it hurt us! We have to be strong and be prepared.. feeling the heat... leave... dont stay... you're about to get burnt... Soo... the point? Well the point is we need to know ourselves and our limits.... When should we get out of the metaphorical toaster of life? When should we turn our backs and walk away??? All these questions are solved when you examine your life...

1) Are you uncomfortable?
2) Do you feel like you couldnt escape if you wanted to?

If you answered Yes to both of those questions... freaking haul your tail far far away! IF YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE AND LIKE YOU ARE TRAPPED LEAVE!!!! YOU ARE ABOUT TO GET BURNT AND YOU ARE GOING TO HATE IT! Avoid that mass inferno of freaking horribleness.. get out.. leave... next time prepare. Anything we do... is better with a plan.. if you must go into a dangerous ( not dangerous towards health) situations then you need to know what you're going to do.. You're going to be friends with some people you don't agree with, eh? Well then where's the procedures? Trust me you go in there with a blindfold and you're going to get hurt... you need a plan so you can get in and safely get out.. Sure.. life isn't a big plan.. and No I dont want you to plan life... but if you have to do something that can hurt you emotionally or stress you then please, please, please prepare yourselves! Soldiers don't go into war without a battle strategy, do they? No, if our army or what ever fighting forces there may be, went into a war without a clue as to what was going to happen or what they would do... they would be dead... That's the ugly truth of it.. Without a plan, we are in the dark and we will get burnt.. Do not let yourself get burnt.. there are better things you could be doing! THE UGLY TRUTH ISNT THAT WE GET BURNT ITS THAT WE ALLOW IT! IF we as a people, prepared, and planned and equipped ourselves we would be fine.. But we as a people go in and let ourselves feel trapped in the fire.. and we hurt and we cry and we hate the decision.. My friends.. prepare yourselves... douse yourself in the sunscreen.. avoid the burn. That's the Ugly Truth. Share it!

When Conflicts Arise

Conflict.. its a mental warzone... Boom, bang... yeah... Sooooo whats conflict??? Well its when trouble arises and it's not the good kind... Because yes there may be a good trouble one day. Soo Why do we have conflict? For one without it life would be like a big giant battle field... with absolutely nothing happening.. Sure that would be nice.Buts it's unrealistic.. there will never be an empty battlefield. Life and conflict are a package deal, okay.. soo think of it this way.. sometimes when you go to a restaurant you may say " Can i get that without.. onions???" And the waiter/waitress will reply "No because it's cooked that way.." And you go "oh darn - snap -" Well that's how life and conflict are.. you cant have one without the other! Then, you may ask, What are we supposed to do? Well suit up and grab a weapon cause even though it's unavoidable it doesnt mean you should just surrender! IF our country just decided.. Hey look.. a wars coming.. that's a big conflict... let's surrender.. where would we be?! For me, since I'm in America.. we would be a freaking bad place.. we'd still be ruled by Great Britian... and we'd have no freedom! BUT.. we didnt give.. we fought... and now America and Britain are pretty dang good.. and well ya know.. Its good that there ain't no tension.. cause well... british people and the place itself are coolio ... Anyways.. soo dont let conflict beat you down! IT'S A PART OF LIFE BUT WE DONT HAVE TO LOSE!!!  I for one.. my fellow people, will never give.. .. Heck I wont be stopped. Sure, I hate conflict and yeah it takes it's toll, but its not about what it may cause its about what we do about it.. Sure I may get stressed and hurt.. but hey if I win in the end BRING IT ON!!! We wil destroy those other cheerleaders cause we are beast... haha.. hehe... um... yeah.. I was not just suggesting a movie to be funny >_>   - cough - ANYWAYS.. The ugly truth isn't that conflict is in life.. it's that we dont wanna do anything about it. We just roll over and play dead.. just  drop the weapons and put our hands behind our head.. well You know what.. THE UGLY TRUTH IS THAT WE NEED TO GET UP AND FIGHT FOR WHAT WE BELIEVE!!! If all the famous and successful people of today just went " Hey.. this is difficuilt.. I give..." where would they be?! NOWHERE!!! If we just go.. " Hey life is getting tough.. let's just let it roll over us.." WE WILL BE NOWHERE FAST!! SOO MY PEOPLE GET UP AND FIGHT!! FIGHT FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE AND GIVE CONFLICT A FORCE TO RECKON WITH!!! Thats the ugly truth.... share it!!!


Inconvenience… we all encounter it and we MOST definitely HATE IT… So what is inconvenience anyway? Well it’s when life throws you some hurtles to interfere with your straight and narrow path, my friend... SOOO what do we do?!? Well... we just have to learn to live around em'! Sure, you may be saying… it’s not fun… and you're right… but it’s not impossible… For one, I’ve made this post before… and it, along with ALL my other posts, were deleted through a mishap. Yet look! I’VE STARTED OVER… ADAPT AND OVERCOME! An inconvenience is unavoidable. We have to face em, but we will persevere. They may be bad… they may be tough… However, hey strong will wins, eh? ANYWAYS… the ugly truth is… when we experience an inconvenience we haul away with our tail between our legs; we act like a mouse when a hawk nose dives- or well like a fish when a shark 'smiles' at it. We just hit the ' run away' button, but WE should be hitting the ' come and get me' button. With a bit of hope and faith… we will make it though. Not to bash anyone, but have you noticed that you come out worse when you try to avoid inconveniences? I mean why not chase your tail instead? Avoiding something that’s a package deal with LIFE is like trying to slam a revolving door.. it isn’t going to happen so stop trying. Sometimes you just have to jump then fall. If we just dealt with things instead of hiding and running.. we'd be okay.. or at least better off.. But no WE HIDE AND RUN AND THINK WE CAN AVOID THE UNAVOIDABLE! The ugly truth is.. the resulting trouble with inconveniences is all OUR fault.. if we just allowed the path to flow and dealt with it piece by piece we'd live. But we don’t.. so don’t let inconvenience get ya down. Meet it head on... you can wear a helmet ;D Anyways.. remember that with some understanding and courage.. any inconvenience is minimal. We can handle it if we act. So get up.. ACT BEFORE THERE TROUBLE! That’s the ugly truth.. share it!