Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Inconvenience… we all encounter it and we MOST definitely HATE IT… So what is inconvenience anyway? Well it’s when life throws you some hurtles to interfere with your straight and narrow path, my friend... SOOO what do we do?!? Well... we just have to learn to live around em'! Sure, you may be saying… it’s not fun… and you're right… but it’s not impossible… For one, I’ve made this post before… and it, along with ALL my other posts, were deleted through a mishap. Yet look! I’VE STARTED OVER… ADAPT AND OVERCOME! An inconvenience is unavoidable. We have to face em, but we will persevere. They may be bad… they may be tough… However, hey strong will wins, eh? ANYWAYS… the ugly truth is… when we experience an inconvenience we haul away with our tail between our legs; we act like a mouse when a hawk nose dives- or well like a fish when a shark 'smiles' at it. We just hit the ' run away' button, but WE should be hitting the ' come and get me' button. With a bit of hope and faith… we will make it though. Not to bash anyone, but have you noticed that you come out worse when you try to avoid inconveniences? I mean why not chase your tail instead? Avoiding something that’s a package deal with LIFE is like trying to slam a revolving door.. it isn’t going to happen so stop trying. Sometimes you just have to jump then fall. If we just dealt with things instead of hiding and running.. we'd be okay.. or at least better off.. But no WE HIDE AND RUN AND THINK WE CAN AVOID THE UNAVOIDABLE! The ugly truth is.. the resulting trouble with inconveniences is all OUR fault.. if we just allowed the path to flow and dealt with it piece by piece we'd live. But we don’t.. so don’t let inconvenience get ya down. Meet it head on... you can wear a helmet ;D Anyways.. remember that with some understanding and courage.. any inconvenience is minimal. We can handle it if we act. So get up.. ACT BEFORE THERE TROUBLE! That’s the ugly truth.. share it!

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