Have you fallen? Have you needed help to get back up? Did you have to hit the little red emergency button? Yes? No? Maybe? Well, guess what, a little trip isn’t the only way to fall. The possibilities are endless… fall in love, fall in guilt, fall under peer-pressure... fall everywhere all the time! And sometimes… when you fall you can’t get back up easily! You are stuck, you are chained… Sure sometimes it’s not too bad. Falling in love, heck that’s nice, but peer-pressure... guilt... not nice... literally falling down stairs isn’t nice. So what happens when you've fallen and can’t get up easily ??? Dial that 911 and dial it fast! Guilt? CALL A FRIEND! Peer-pressure? CLAW YOUR WAY BACK UP! Falling down real stairs? CALL A DOCTOR! Getting back up isn’t impossible! You just need a hand to lift you up again.. when you feel there’s no way up, you’re wrong. Maybe alone it’s "difficult" ( but not impossible) but remember there’s a world out there to assist you!! Heck, I’ve fallen, but I got the hand I needed... the eternal.. glorified hand of God and now even though I’m falling in smaller places, I have that one great friend.. the best doctor… to help me over and over! Anyways.. so you’ve fallen down some stairs.. you are scraped up! You are sad, you are bleeding.. but don’t worry, here comes someone with a band-aid! YOU ARE NOT HELPLESS, IF YOU'VE FALLEN SLAP ON THE BAND-AID AND GET BACK UP! Do skate-boarders fall and cry! HECK NO they get back up! Do ice skaters fall and hit that ice and stay down... Nope. Should you fall and stay down…? No. Yes, you've fallen.. but it doesn’t mean you have to retreat emotionally. Don’t get me wrong.. if you’re being peer-pressured it doesn’t mean to stay and keep going.. I don’t mean that when I say get back up... I mean that you don’t have to stay down... don’t stay down... don’t put yourself in a position where your world is crumbling around you, were your stuck down on the floor, where you can so easily be hurt, get up.... be strong... You've fallen, you can get back up! THIS WAR IS NOT LOST... DON’T STAY DOWN. DON’T STAY VULNERABLE! GET ON YOUR FEET AND SURVIVE! There is never ever going to be a situation that you cant get out of.. there will never be a moment where you can’t get up. The ugly truth is not that we've fallen... It’s that so many people fall and think they can’t get up.. and when they think they can’t, they will never try! THAT IS THE UGLY TRUTH WE BELIEVE! WE CANT SO WE DON’T!!!! THE UGLY TRUTH DOESN’T INVOLVE THE FACT WE FALL, IT INVOLVES THE FACT WE GIVE UP!!!!!!! DON’T GIVE UP, DON’T THINK YOU CANT! YOU CAN... I CAN!
That, People-icans… is the Ugly Truth! So Share it!
Haha! Funny! Where did you get that from?