Once again, I’m having trouble doing everything I want in my packed life! Sooo unfortunately… I don’t have the time to do an official topic rant today! However… I can’t NOT rant, Sooo I’m just going to have a RANDOM RANT YAY... Anyways.. soooo first of all, today and yesterday were great days! I made an immense effort to be better and it worked.. and No I don’t mean a better person in general.. I’m talking about the fact i never know what to say when I’m talking to my boyfriend.. anyways.. I’ve been saying EVERY RANDOM THOUGH I’VE HAD to him. And well as I see it, it upsets him when I’m quiet X_X but when I’m talkative he's happy... and well when I reassure him through talking he gives off vibes that therefore reassure ME... so its a big reassurance cycle! Anyways moving on... I’ve learned that my humor is like a ninja.. see I’M so quiet sometimes.. then outta nowhere a funny comment just SPILLS from my mouth.. and everyone laughs.. It’s just an element of surprise! And other times I just breathe out funny.. and well they STILL laugh.. but that’s besides the point. Okay.. the point is that cookies are Gods gift to us.. less than 3 cookies.. less than 3... anyways.. Another topic to rant about.. oh.. well I’m still waiting to get the books I want. It’s getting kind of frustrating cause well... I’ve been waiting over a week now since the book that I’ve been waiting for has come out.. but I waited months before that.. and then of course the NEW books i want! So it’s just saddening knowing they are so close yet so far. Another thing.. I’m still so happy about my title graphic.. I was doing wrong size all along... and it finally worked.. and I was just like YESH.. and now there it is... And well I like it.. It’s so random but it’s so cool... anyways... Yeah! I want to see Iron Man 2... and yeah.. wow... I’m so vague about my life.. guess that’s good? I don’t really want to give every second of my day. I prefer ranting about topics I think people should hear.. it allows me to vent things that have been bugging me AND I entertain people.. so yeah.. and random rants of course are me ranting about things that, well, I want to rant about! WHICH REMINDS ME.. I just hate it when someone tries to cut in front of you’re walking path and you go " Sorry go ahead" EVEN THOUGH THEY CUT IN FRONT OF YOU.. and of course the dang cutters decide to go.. " No you go ahead" What the freak... okay SOO FIRST you attempt to cut me off.. AND THEN YOU DENY MY OFFER OF ME LETTING YOU PASS AFTER YOU TRIED TO CUT ME?! And to make it work you OFFER FOR ME TO GO! Hello... you cut me off.. I’m being nice .. just say thank you and leave Okay.. that’s how it goes.. " Sorry go ahead"... "Oh thanks ' - they pass in front of you - and then you shake head and continue on.. end of story..! BY saying NOO YOU GO AHEAD.. you make me repeat my "No you go ahead" and it’s just frustrating now okay.. just go already.. you’re burning daylight and my patience! Anyways.. yeah... I’m quite bored.. I think I’m going to start writing again.. as in a book me and my friend are working on.. it depends if she allows me back on board... soo yeah... she MIGHT.. not sure though... she also MIGHT say no.... and in all honesty I know she will say Yes just cause I know her.. but knowing her I KNOW she will read this and is probably reading right now.. soo um.. - cough - ( waves at friend who MAY be reading this right now..) Anyways.. she will let me back onboard the book. Continuing... It’s really annoying when someone goes " she wont" or "he wont" they say it when it makes no sense.. and sure it’s funny but still 50 times later it’s just old.. or " that’s a neck" really okay funny first few times old after it’s said thousands of times.. and finally.. I must say this to you my people-icans.. never ever ever.. ever.. ever.. ever... ever.... ever.... ever.. never ever ever... um... well I forgot soo.... Anyways thats the ugly truth.. SHARE IT!
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