Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back to Freaking School We Go - Day 1 and 2

Hey all my people-icans who may or may not exist... besides me. Anyways, so school started Tuesday… and tis Wednesday! So, I have been to school for TWO days. Unfortunately, I didn’t want to blog yesterday so I didn't. You're welcome. Moving on, so Day 1.... Went to homeroom. Boring! Went to Spanish… Bien! Umm... English. Fine. Everything else, fine. Except AP because it is going to be a workout. Good news, my Drama class gets to do the children's theatre WEEEEW! So that will be fun, and I will hopefully be auditioning for plays... hopefully. So, Lunch was fun. I got to hang with my friends and be loud... it was the same way today. I do miss some of my friends who left though. My drama buddy, my buddy in general... too many people GONE! Some people I just don't have classes with! But it's okay, all bien in the casa! And... nothing really memorable yet, but hopefully things will come up that I feel like mentioning. So yeah, tomorrow. After homework. Until then, remember the truth is ugly... share it. Unfortunately there is little truth to share today, still find a way! Peace out, People-icans!