Tuesday, April 26, 2011

If I Had a Genie - Part 8

Hello to all my people-icans who may or may not exist... It is now part 8 of this rant. And that was a grammatical error because you should never ever not spell out numbers. But I did. I'm a rebel. Anywho, so another set of wishes. I won't lie it will start to get challenging when my mind runs out of stuff to wish for. So if the wishes get weird, yep that's my mind running out of things! Let us begin!

1) That the ocean could be a giant vastness of pool water with only dolphins..... Why? Because I don't like swimming in the ocean with unknown creations. And I hate the feeling of the wet sand between my feet. Hence the reason I wear my flip flops in the ocean. Yep, I do. It's just that I don't like the ocean. Sure it's pretty in  3rd person.. as you stand up in the sand.. but then you go walk in it... and feel that awkward feeling. And I always assume that awkward feeling is a stingray... Ugh, but yeah. If the ocean was a giant pool without sand and only dolphins, I would be happy. But no the ocean is a giant vast water of salty-ness... that disgusts me.... and there are sharks and jellyfishes(intentional error haha) and I don't like that. Or the seaweed. So to repeat myself, we need the ocean to be a giant freaking pool with only dolphins and  power generated waves. So what would happen? I wouldn't have to wear flip flops in the ocean, and I would swim in the ocean more...

2) A magical library that has every single book I could want when I want it, and not like me going and getting it, but it just appearing on the shelf like a little leafed ninja.... Why? So I would never have to wait for a book again or save money to afford the books again. And because of this magical library, I would be super happy and would always have something to read. So what would happen? I would probably read continously but I would run out fast... and I would have to wait to become aware of any new books to have them magically appear... Aw.

3) A cuppy(cow-puppy)... Why? Because I can. And by cow-puppy I mean a little puppy, with spots like cows.... and a cowbell... and....  nothing else. It's probably similar to a dalmation, but more cow-like with its spots. Plus, cuppy sounds more interesting that dalmation.. I mean really.. "I have a dalmation!".. Bleh. "I have a cuppy! ^_^"...YAY! So yeah... What would happen? Well I would parade through town chanting.. FISHY FISHY FISHY FISHY FISHY, CUPPY CUPPY CUPPY CUPPY. As a sidenote this all began when my Phillipian (Filipino, but I got confused and called her that by accident, and it stuck ;D) friend was playing a asian game and it had this bird.. but it looked like a fish. So I began to repeatedly chant FISHY FISHY FISHY FISHY.... THEN, A dalmation appeared, and I started saying "cow-puppy" which got morphed into cuppy... and so it began.

And those are my wishes, if you have any entertaining ( or non entertaining) wishes, POST IN THE COMMENTS BELOW! Like/Favorite/Hype this post, share it on your social website, follow/subscribe, and enjoy. Remember, cuppies are not fishes and the truth is ugly,  so share it! Peace out People-icans!

Random Ranting

Greetings People-icans! So, Spring Break has been in progress... So far its been boring. But, whatever. At the moment I am in the progress of doing homework, yay! But seriously, 4 crosswords with big vocabulary..... 4 question sheets on To Kill a Mockingbird....  25 reading log entries... 4 projects that fortunately are not due for like another month... Work work work! What happened to the days when break meant a week of no work. Well, let's just say that left the building when I left elementary... Good times, I really miss nap time, and centers... I never liked them back then, but I wish I had. I could use some nap times in High School. But, unfortunately, we are too busy alll the time. However, you gotta do what you gotta do. Like finishing the questions for To Kill a Mockingbird, I paused in typing this post to finish them. And I did! All I have left is the reading logs and the.. crosswords. Which are probably the most annoying, but eh. So since this is a rant, I need to find a better topic. Like possums. Anyways, last night my dog ran back behind our house and was barking madly into a hole. So, we were curious as to what it was. And whatever it was, growled like a rabid dog. But, it wasn't. It was a possusm, which was about the size of my cocker spaniel. It was also said that it probably weighed 10 pounds. So yeah, for one, I didnt know possums growled. Second, I thought they played dead when threatened =(.  Third, Ice Age and other movies always show possums as skinny. And finally, what happened to possums hanging in trees by their tails? Since when do they live in little underground caves they dug? Obviously television has lied. So Dear Ice Age, Over the Hedge, and other movies with possums... Thank you for lying to the world. With much sadness, Me. So Yeah... THAT was interesting. Another annoying creature: Mosquitos. Oh my Jesus, I probably stood outside for like 5 minutes to see my puppy. And in that process I was attacked by mosquitos and they left welts on my arms and legs. And they ITCHED!! Those bugs need to take their disease carrying needle mouths somewhere else, particularly the ocean where they will die and not bother anyone. Or the sun, thats acceptable. But really, it itched, badly. I had to go swimming at like 11 at night to stop the itching. And it worked. So next time you get bit by mosquitos go soak in some kind of water, because it takes the bites away. Huzah! And Finally since I didn't rant on Easter. I didnt get to be an egg ninja... Yep, sad I know. But thats because we went to an easter egg hunt at church instead... and there were too many little kids and the eggs were literally in a pile in the middle of a field. That was the majoity... a few were scattered in trees and inside water drains and pipes. I didn't hunt eggs though, because that would have been unfair to the children. I am like a twilight vampire when it comes to eggs... yep...  I sparkle. JUST KIDDING! But yeah, no egg hunts. I did take a gazillion lollipops though, they were mini swirly ones like you can get that are impossible to eat cause they are ginormous. But MINI! And delicious. They got them for the kids, but hey... they didn't want them. So, I decided to save whoever got them the agony of knowing that a gazillion lollipops remained, so I took em. And I have them in my candy stash. And I am slowly eating them all! Besides those pretty unrelated and random topics, I have nothing else to say... in this post. I have to save some for the other posts I need to do. Which reminds me, I need another blog series. But what? Maybe a series on brilliant ideas of the day.. eh.... or on..... the most idotic thing that has happened.... eh... I dont know, but I will think of something. OR My people-icans can help me out... So if you have an idea on a blog series that would appeal to me, post in the comments below. Remember, no idea is a stupid idea unless it is... and the truth is ugly, so SHARE IT! Peace out people-icans. Follllllowwwww or Subscribe.. .. or whatever the internet is calling it these days.. PEACE!