Saturday, November 5, 2011

If I Had A Genie - Part 15

Soooo People-icans, hellllo again!

So, what are today's three wishes.…? I don't know let me wish for the knowledge!

1) The ability to know what people are doing-- Why? Because then I'd never have to ask people things and I could just be like "How is my novel editing going?" and then POOF I know... yeah, it would be cool. Just saying. Plus, it would save time since we wouldn’t have to go to people. Nothing much more to say because I have tons of examples.

2) A transformer for a watch -- Why? Because come on, you could be like "HEY!? What time is it????"

"Three forty four..." *transform into mini robot and begins to blow up dishes so I don't have to clean them*


"OKAY!" And so forth... awesommeeeeee.

3) To be able to write whenever I want no matter where I am -- Why? Because I love to write but sometimes you can’t because of school and what not, so an extension of this would probably be to pause time so I could write without losing anything.

SO! Those are my wishes for this day and that is that. So, remember the truth is ugly unless you put makeup on it, but sometimes it still isn't pretty because it looks like a drag queen. SO, yes SHARE IT! Peace out, People-icans!

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