Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sleeping is the Door to Epic!

Okay, People-icans... I haven't been blogging because there hasn't really been anything to talk about... but now there is! So, where to start? I finished my novel… but I think I mentioned that in a previous blog. I... started a new novel! Speaking of.... I had a moment of pure epic. Anyways, last night I was sleeping. Yes, sleeping... anyways! I WAS SLEEPING! And I had this dream... about my story. So, I already thought it was pretty cool. Then it veered off the plotline I have in my mind as of now... into two new storylines. And let's just say most likely book 2 and 3 for that. What had been a 1 book story may now be a trilogy. I actually woke up from the dream just to write it down. Why? Because there was no way in heck I was going to risk forgetting!!! Last time I had an epic dream I wanted to remember for a possible story I decided to just wait and write it in the morning. I went back to sleep and when I woke up again... I had forgotten EVERYTHING! And I was so sad because I could sense the memory right at the edge of my mind, but I couldn't access it. What I really needed then was that "medicine" from Limitless with Bradley Cooper. If I had that... I'd be so much better. No restrictions to thought and I could just do better at all. So yeah, that was a bit off track. So, yes, I couldn't forget these two ideas. And I didn't! So, I'm happy. School is soon, I got my schedule and locker. Which, I must say, is strategically placed to provide maximum use between classes. And you know what that means... LESS TO CARRY! HUZAH! Anyways, I made the title to this blog really inaccurate. Sure, I talked about it for like 2 seconds but still. Not going to change it though... buhahahahaha. Anyways, yeah. School. I get to learn Spanish. It's going to be difficult since I can't role my R's... but whatever. No, not whatever... if I fail I will be so sad! Okay, I'm going to end this really spontaneous and confusing post. I will be posting more since school will be back and there's always something to blog about after school. Peace out, People-icans.... Remember, the truth is ugly unless it's not... SO SHARE IT!

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