Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall Backward

Soooo, People-icans! We gained an hour last night!!! It was sooooo coool, one minute it was 2 O' Clock... then it was 1 again.... Yeah, it was so cool! And I wish it would do that every night... but unfortunately not. One comment though, time... why couldn’t you fall back and give me an extra hour... on Monday?!?!?!?! I could have used it then, but still. I am grateful.

So yeah, we gained a freaking hour and now we are all refreshed. My logic however was if I am going to gain an hour... I should stay up an hour later since I get it back!

Nope, didn't do that... I was too tired.

So yes, that's about it for me to say about falling backwards, but never spring forward cause then you are more sleepy. Going forward...


Remember, the truth is ugly unless given a Cover girl makeover.... SO SHARE IT! Peace out People-icans!