Saturday, August 13, 2011

Portal 2 Co-op Fail

Okay, so I had Gamefly.... HAD. I don't anymore... it's sad. So yeah, the last games I had were Portal 2 and Little Big Planet 2 (I won't lie I wish they would have sent a better final game, because LBP2 is like playing LBP with new freaking scenery. UGH). So, Portal 2 was amazing. I beat it in probably about... 7-8 hours total. Really fun game. Portals... thinking... interesting. But yeah, some of the things really made me think and I loved it. So since I beat it... I wanted to play co-op. It looked so fun and cool... unfortunately my sisters are too little to really understand the game. Therefore, after many fail attempts at having them play with me I gave up. After an hour or so, I had the brilliant idea to try to play co-op by myself. So I got down my two remotes and set it all up. Originally, it worked well. I just switched back and forth between the two and got where I needed to be. Then, the two bots ended up in the same room. Again, I eventually was able to do those too. (even though the ones with the timer and having to hit 4 buttons on different sides of rooms/ledges was really annoying at first) So, then I got to this one test... with this box I needed to redirect a laser inside this guinea pig maze. So, I portaled one bot over to the other side. The other bot needed to hit buttons to raise and lower walls so I could navigate the maze and reach the box. It was annoying but I was finally able to get to the box. THEN I had to get back to a spot and I ended up crushing the bot in the maze on accident. And it was then that I realized that playing co-op by myself... would drive me crazy. SO, I texted my brony friend Kenny. He said he would play TOMORROW since he was gone. I waited to play knowing he loved the game.... and he never freaking texted me back!!!!!!! So, he said he would play the next day because he forgot. AND HE DIDN'T COME AGAIN. And in the end I had to send the game back... and if he asks if I want to play now... - rage face - IT'S GONE!!! So yeah.... I didn't get to experience the full enjoyment of co-op because my sisters couldn't play and because using two remotes takes out the fun. So, yeah. I wish I could have, but it's too late. Far too late =/ Anyways, that's about it! So, peace out people-icans. Remember, the truth is ugly especially when concerning Portal 2 and Wheatley...... so share it.

Sleeping is the Door to Epic!

Okay, People-icans... I haven't been blogging because there hasn't really been anything to talk about... but now there is! So, where to start? I finished my novel… but I think I mentioned that in a previous blog. I... started a new novel! Speaking of.... I had a moment of pure epic. Anyways, last night I was sleeping. Yes, sleeping... anyways! I WAS SLEEPING! And I had this dream... about my story. So, I already thought it was pretty cool. Then it veered off the plotline I have in my mind as of now... into two new storylines. And let's just say most likely book 2 and 3 for that. What had been a 1 book story may now be a trilogy. I actually woke up from the dream just to write it down. Why? Because there was no way in heck I was going to risk forgetting!!! Last time I had an epic dream I wanted to remember for a possible story I decided to just wait and write it in the morning. I went back to sleep and when I woke up again... I had forgotten EVERYTHING! And I was so sad because I could sense the memory right at the edge of my mind, but I couldn't access it. What I really needed then was that "medicine" from Limitless with Bradley Cooper. If I had that... I'd be so much better. No restrictions to thought and I could just do better at all. So yeah, that was a bit off track. So, yes, I couldn't forget these two ideas. And I didn't! So, I'm happy. School is soon, I got my schedule and locker. Which, I must say, is strategically placed to provide maximum use between classes. And you know what that means... LESS TO CARRY! HUZAH! Anyways, I made the title to this blog really inaccurate. Sure, I talked about it for like 2 seconds but still. Not going to change it though... buhahahahaha. Anyways, yeah. School. I get to learn Spanish. It's going to be difficult since I can't role my R's... but whatever. No, not whatever... if I fail I will be so sad! Okay, I'm going to end this really spontaneous and confusing post. I will be posting more since school will be back and there's always something to blog about after school. Peace out, People-icans.... Remember, the truth is ugly unless it's not... SO SHARE IT!