Friday, July 22, 2011

Double-Personality Writing Moments- Part 2

So, People-icans.... I've finished my novel! BUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Anyways, it was a sort of sad moment. I was so happy to finish yet I was also thinking: I miss it. I missed writing about the characters I had so excitedly made a life for. I worked so hard to make these characters people could relate with and now their story is over. It's a love/hate relationship. So, now that one story is over :( I can start a new one :) And then I can rage when it is over, too! Sounds like a plan... and I like plans. So yeah, it was a fun few months. We had good times, story... you and I. Now after destroying multiple places, killing off characters (good and bad), and weaving a love story... it is over.
So now I can turn to the three other stories and create them!
So, yeah. I will try to post more often about the awkward moments when I argue with myself over it.
So, yeah. Peace off, People-icans. Enter awkward ending here.... The truth is ugly... SHARE IT!

If I Had a Genie - Part 13

Hellllo, People-icans, so today's wishes are....

1) The ability to touch a book and have all information revealed to you... Why? Well, it's not because I don't like to read but when you're reading a book for an assignment, it would be useful. Yes, the book is acually quite good, but still if I touched it and knew everything just like if I had read it... useful. But, oh well! Who knew a book about the history of the world revolving around drinks would be so neat! But seriously, touching to read this book and other school related books would be useful. Even if the books are not that bad ;D

2) A pegasus puppy... I don't know why, but if my puppies had wings it would be so adorable. They could just fly around all day like, "Yeah, I'm a puppy with wings. What are you gonna do about it?!" And the people who saw that would think, "Puppy + wings + talk?! What the heck?!" And I'd nod in the background and yell "COME HITHER FLYING PUPPIES!!" And they would float gracefully through the air back to my side. So, what would happen? I would take my flying puppies everywhere and say "Aw!" at random moments.

3) The ability to perfectly edit my writings... Why? Because then it wouldnt be: I think this is how it goes. It would be: This is how it goes, argue if thy dares. And sure, I'm pretty positive about most of it, but there are still those things that just make me wonder. It sounds right, but is it. Then you have the spelling and grammer check on Microsoft words. YOU JUST CAN'T TRUST IT! It lied about the commas! There was supposed to be a comma inbetween those two parts. You do not say "He nodded a smile on his lips." It just sounds odd. I liked the comma! And then when the comma checker decides to show up and you think to yourself "This isn't right...". So, to fix your confusion you click explain. And the example is "She was, a cheerleader."


Of course that's wrong! WHY WOULD A COMMA BE THERE! So that is the example that is supposed to comfort me, but it doesn't. So yes, it is annoying. Very, very annoying.

So, that is all! Peace out, People-icans. Remember, the truth is ugly... Share it!