Saturday, November 5, 2011

Double Personality Writing Moments

So, People-icans... I started writing again! HUZAH! Anyways, what does this mean? LOTS OF THINGS! First off, SEQUEL TIME! Yeah, that's write (HA-HA Pun). So yes, I started writing the sequel to my first novel after a time period in which I was afraid to write because I didn't want to make mistakes. Then I realized.... that when you think about it, to someone out in this world, there will always be a mistake; so I can't let fear hold me back. So I picked a pencil and I stabbed fear in its metaphorical face. Booyah! Anyways, so yesterday I was writing the sequel and I am only four pages in; however, as I was writing a premonition dream scene, I faced an audience - writer dilemma. Here is a little exaggerated flash back of how it went.


- insert copyrighted story -

Writer: Well, this is nice. I haven't written in SOOO long.

Audience: Oh... my GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY FREAKING GOSH! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Writer: Yes, this should please my readers.


Writer: *sigh* I hate typos *backspace*. Moving on *continues typing*

Reader: WHY?! POR QUE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?! YO SOY DEPRIMINDA! NO ME GUSTA!!! PERO ME GUSTA MUCHO!

Writer: And... complete.

Reader: *shoots self with water gun* I CANT BELIEVE THIS JUST HAPPENED!

And that's pretty much how it went... but now that I think about... none of it was exaggerated. Except the water gun part, but if I had HAD a water gun... yep I would have shot myself with it.

So yes, that was my double personality writing moment of yesterday. Remember... the truth is ugly, unless it’s pretty... but not if it is a drag queen... SO SHARE IT! Peace out People-icans!

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