Monday, November 21, 2011

If I Had A Genie - Part 16

So, People-icans... if I had a genie I would wish for....

1) A puppy that shed money... Why? Because some dogs shed a lot and it gets annoying. You get up and little pieces of hair are all over you. However, if it was a 100-dollar bill stuck to your shirt... BUHAHAHAHA! Then I could buy what I wanted when I wanted... I'd even constantly brush the puppy’s hair like,
"-50 strokes later - YESSS A pile of money! WEEEEEW"

2) To not be super nice.... Why? Because constant niceness gets you nowhere. Enough said. xD

3) A.......... Thor hammer. Why? Because that would be awesome. Bad service *SMASH*... bad grade *SMASH*... BAD DAY! SMASSSHHHHHHHHH

So, less detail because I was rather stumped… but whatever! You're welcome for the little effort I put into it!

The truth is ugly so share it... PEACE OUT PEOPLE-ICANS!

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