Friday, April 15, 2011

If I Had A Genie - Part 3

So, here I am once again People-icans!Cause... It is.... Friday.. Friday...  Gotta get down on Friday... Everybodys looking forward to the weekend.. weekend. Hahahahaha, I Hate That Song.  And yes.. yesterday was Thursday and tomorrow is Saturday. Thank you. Moving On... Todays 3 wishes AREEEEEEEE

1) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.... Why? Well... it's not everyday you can have a pet turtle that has a bo staff, nunchuck..numchuck? Whatever.. Anyways, it's not everyday! Personally, I would want the one with the red bandana.. or the blue... or the orange... or the purple. Yes, any of them. Come on, it's a mutant human size turtle, I will not be picky. Just imagine having one though..

FRIDAY COMES... Show-n-tell... You walk in alone..

 Teacher - Why - insert name- where's your show and tell item?

You - Oh, dang gone it, sorry he is shy..

Teacher - What do you mean he?

You - My turtle Leonardo....

Teacher - Ah, that's sweet. Alright, sweetie, go get your turtle. =)


Leo- Ugh, Fine.. - walks in -


You- Hey, Hey, it's cool, he is trained.. Leo SIT.

Leo - What, No, I won't...

You- If you don't want to be taken away.. - leo sits - Good boy!

Yeahhh.. that would rock the socks off of that class, eh?

Anyways, now that I took up most of the page... What would happen.. Well let's just say nobody would be safe from me and.. my.. TEENAGE MUTANT - NINJA TURTLE.. YEAH.

2) MOE From Wall-e.. I feel like I spelled that wrong but... Whatever. Anyways, WHY?! Uh, because he rocks. If you haven't seen the movie, you need to. Anyways, to sum it up MOE is a little bot that cleans up foreign contamination cause it drives him crazy. And since Wall-e is filled with foreign-ness MOE goes like psycho and stalks his trail of nasty-ness.. Anyways, he is so cute hes just like MOE... MOE... MOE. Sort of like Mojo-Jojo... he just says his name alot. But besides his cuteness.. hello, a cleaning device. No more work for me.. Dishes ? MOE GO. And he would be like ... HECKKK YEAHHHH, Cleaning up the mess.. YEAH.. YEAHHHH DAWG! But it would sound like "MOE" cause he doesnt talk much. So what would happen? No more MESSSSS.. Cause ... He ... WOULD CLEAN IT ALL!

3) Damon Salvatore... And you may be going.. show one, or the fictional one we create in our mind. Honestly, either. More likely the figment of my imagination since he is similar to the tv one but without the legal ties to the world and the age.. My imagination Damon is like 19 and sexy.. Tv Damon is 30 but not looking it. But the figment of my imagination one coming to life would be easier to deal with. So him. Anyways.... Besides his look factor.. if you have read the book you know beneath Damon's hard exterior he cares.. he just is so afraid of hurt! But when he exposes his true self... Sigh of Fantasy-ness. HAWT. Hawtness in looks and personality baby! So what would happen... Lets just say I wouldn't be single??????? HAHAHAHAHA, Just kidding.. Or Am I???? Nope I aint =P

So, people-icans, you know the drill. What are your 3 wishes, leave a response in the comments below, for I would love to hear em. Hey, maybe I will even post them on my next blog with my comments on your wishes =D Favorite this post... Share it on your social site-ness... Whatever that may be! And dont forget to FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW.. If you wanna! SO rememeber people-icans.... Mutant Turtles are not for showing and telling unless they promise to sit on command.... MOE is a cleaning ninja and Damon Salvatore is supermegafoxyawesomehawt with a douse of epicness on the side. The truth is ugly... SHARE IT. Peace out!