Tuesday, April 26, 2011

If I Had a Genie - Part 8

Hello to all my people-icans who may or may not exist... It is now part 8 of this rant. And that was a grammatical error because you should never ever not spell out numbers. But I did. I'm a rebel. Anywho, so another set of wishes. I won't lie it will start to get challenging when my mind runs out of stuff to wish for. So if the wishes get weird, yep that's my mind running out of things! Let us begin!

1) That the ocean could be a giant vastness of pool water with only dolphins..... Why? Because I don't like swimming in the ocean with unknown creations. And I hate the feeling of the wet sand between my feet. Hence the reason I wear my flip flops in the ocean. Yep, I do. It's just that I don't like the ocean. Sure it's pretty in  3rd person.. as you stand up in the sand.. but then you go walk in it... and feel that awkward feeling. And I always assume that awkward feeling is a stingray... Ugh, but yeah. If the ocean was a giant pool without sand and only dolphins, I would be happy. But no the ocean is a giant vast water of salty-ness... that disgusts me.... and there are sharks and jellyfishes(intentional error haha) and I don't like that. Or the seaweed. So to repeat myself, we need the ocean to be a giant freaking pool with only dolphins and  power generated waves. So what would happen? I wouldn't have to wear flip flops in the ocean, and I would swim in the ocean more...

2) A magical library that has every single book I could want when I want it, and not like me going and getting it, but it just appearing on the shelf like a little leafed ninja.... Why? So I would never have to wait for a book again or save money to afford the books again. And because of this magical library, I would be super happy and would always have something to read. So what would happen? I would probably read continously but I would run out fast... and I would have to wait to become aware of any new books to have them magically appear... Aw.

3) A cuppy(cow-puppy)... Why? Because I can. And by cow-puppy I mean a little puppy, with spots like cows.... and a cowbell... and....  nothing else. It's probably similar to a dalmation, but more cow-like with its spots. Plus, cuppy sounds more interesting that dalmation.. I mean really.. "I have a dalmation!".. Bleh. "I have a cuppy! ^_^"...YAY! So yeah... What would happen? Well I would parade through town chanting.. FISHY FISHY FISHY FISHY FISHY, CUPPY CUPPY CUPPY CUPPY. As a sidenote this all began when my Phillipian (Filipino, but I got confused and called her that by accident, and it stuck ;D) friend was playing a asian game and it had this bird.. but it looked like a fish. So I began to repeatedly chant FISHY FISHY FISHY FISHY.... THEN, A dalmation appeared, and I started saying "cow-puppy" which got morphed into cuppy... and so it began.

And those are my wishes, if you have any entertaining ( or non entertaining) wishes, POST IN THE COMMENTS BELOW! Like/Favorite/Hype this post, share it on your social website, follow/subscribe, and enjoy. Remember, cuppies are not fishes and the truth is ugly,  so share it! Peace out People-icans!

Random Ranting

Greetings People-icans! So, Spring Break has been in progress... So far its been boring. But, whatever. At the moment I am in the progress of doing homework, yay! But seriously, 4 crosswords with big vocabulary..... 4 question sheets on To Kill a Mockingbird....  25 reading log entries... 4 projects that fortunately are not due for like another month... Work work work! What happened to the days when break meant a week of no work. Well, let's just say that left the building when I left elementary... Good times, I really miss nap time, and centers... I never liked them back then, but I wish I had. I could use some nap times in High School. But, unfortunately, we are too busy alll the time. However, you gotta do what you gotta do. Like finishing the questions for To Kill a Mockingbird, I paused in typing this post to finish them. And I did! All I have left is the reading logs and the.. crosswords. Which are probably the most annoying, but eh. So since this is a rant, I need to find a better topic. Like possums. Anyways, last night my dog ran back behind our house and was barking madly into a hole. So, we were curious as to what it was. And whatever it was, growled like a rabid dog. But, it wasn't. It was a possusm, which was about the size of my cocker spaniel. It was also said that it probably weighed 10 pounds. So yeah, for one, I didnt know possums growled. Second, I thought they played dead when threatened =(.  Third, Ice Age and other movies always show possums as skinny. And finally, what happened to possums hanging in trees by their tails? Since when do they live in little underground caves they dug? Obviously television has lied. So Dear Ice Age, Over the Hedge, and other movies with possums... Thank you for lying to the world. With much sadness, Me. So Yeah... THAT was interesting. Another annoying creature: Mosquitos. Oh my Jesus, I probably stood outside for like 5 minutes to see my puppy. And in that process I was attacked by mosquitos and they left welts on my arms and legs. And they ITCHED!! Those bugs need to take their disease carrying needle mouths somewhere else, particularly the ocean where they will die and not bother anyone. Or the sun, thats acceptable. But really, it itched, badly. I had to go swimming at like 11 at night to stop the itching. And it worked. So next time you get bit by mosquitos go soak in some kind of water, because it takes the bites away. Huzah! And Finally since I didn't rant on Easter. I didnt get to be an egg ninja... Yep, sad I know. But thats because we went to an easter egg hunt at church instead... and there were too many little kids and the eggs were literally in a pile in the middle of a field. That was the majoity... a few were scattered in trees and inside water drains and pipes. I didn't hunt eggs though, because that would have been unfair to the children. I am like a twilight vampire when it comes to eggs... yep...  I sparkle. JUST KIDDING! But yeah, no egg hunts. I did take a gazillion lollipops though, they were mini swirly ones like you can get that are impossible to eat cause they are ginormous. But MINI! And delicious. They got them for the kids, but hey... they didn't want them. So, I decided to save whoever got them the agony of knowing that a gazillion lollipops remained, so I took em. And I have them in my candy stash. And I am slowly eating them all! Besides those pretty unrelated and random topics, I have nothing else to say... in this post. I have to save some for the other posts I need to do. Which reminds me, I need another blog series. But what? Maybe a series on brilliant ideas of the day.. eh.... or on..... the most idotic thing that has happened.... eh... I dont know, but I will think of something. OR My people-icans can help me out... So if you have an idea on a blog series that would appeal to me, post in the comments below. Remember, no idea is a stupid idea unless it is... and the truth is ugly, so SHARE IT! Peace out people-icans. Follllllowwwww or Subscribe.. .. or whatever the internet is calling it these days.. PEACE!

Monday, April 25, 2011

If I Had a Genie - Part 7

Here we are again... not on time but eventually we have reached this point. Part Seven... thats almost as fun as part shfifty five will be... yep... Which makes me SO wanna post that video when I get there.. IF I get there... Eh I have to at least go that high now just for that video. It has been decided! Anyways.. greetings people-icans... may the wishes begin!

1) A baby seal... why? Because I just saw a movie with a baby seal.. and it was adorable and cute.. I mean come on? They are always adorable when you see them.. the original mickey mouse cartoon had a cute seal..... everything has cute seals... Unless they make "Attack of the Killer Seal, I want one.... So, what would happen? Well we would become best friends and he would be like a seal.. that acted like a doggie ( cause thats always how they are portrayed I think) and we would just p-a-r-t-y. Yep....

2) Tweety the bird from Looney Toons... Why? I love her...him...it? I think Tweety is a girl... Dang it. Anyways, I love its voice. Is it a lisp? I believe it is... and lisps are awesome. I love talking with a lisp, because I can. It's just fun.... Anyways, what would happen? Well, I would definetely secretly wish for the cat to go along with it on another post so we can film our own episodes!

3) Spongebob!!!... Why? Because I would always have a dose of happiness with me to make me laugh. I would attach him to a water machine and take him everywhere. And by water machine I mean snowglobe with non -electrical voice projectors. Yep, we'd have fun times..... Anyways, what would happen? If you hear spontaneous laughter from my purse... that is why...

So those are my wishes. If you have any wishes post them in the comments below. Favorite/like/rate this post, share it on your social website, and enjoy! Remember, the truth is ugly.. Share it! Peace out, People-icans!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

If I Had a Genie - Part 5 and 6

Alright people-icans, since I fell slightly behind, I shall mush together 6 wishes into one blog! Yep, I went there. Anyways, let us begin!

1) Telepathic puppy... Why? Because I would always get to know what my puppies are thinking! You are probably thinking "Why dont you just wish YOU were telepathic, then you could talk to everything.. well it just sounds cooler when a puppy does it. I mean, really.. TONS of people claim they're telepathic.. but have you ever seen a telepathic puppy. Nope! So what would happen? I would never have to look stupid talking to my puppy again... cause they can talk back.. Heck yeah.

2) A Bed made of clouds.... Why? Uh because clouds look comfortable... diaper babies ALWAYS sleep on clouds, therefore they must be comfy... I need a comfy bed, why not a nice cloud. And all the condensation would keep you nice and cool. Plus if you ever felt like moving it, just need a fan to blow it over.... Tired of it? Shine a lamp on it to evaporate it. Need your carpet clean? Let the cloud rain on your floor! There isn't much to say about what would happen.. it would just happen.

3) A Choo- Choo Shoe... Why? Well, for one, I saw it on Charlie the Unicorn. And it would be an excuse to go "Chug a chug chug a chug a chooo shoooooeee" Come on... I definitely need it to escape the blahblahblah's ;D Anyways, so yeah there isn't much reasoning behind this one. Mostly just to say that phrase... so Yeah? What would happen.. Well I would be riding a shoe around with some airfreshner thingy inside.

4) Little Massage-ists like in the shoe commercials... Why? Because my body is sore for whatever reason and I can't massage myself. Plus little elven people being your massage-ists sounds cool. And if you like attached some string work to your outfit they could always be with you.. and give a 24/7 massage.. Yep, fun. What would happen? I would be a happy non-sore person!

5) Super Spidey Powers... Why? Mostly so I could shoot string at peoples face... I'd be like HA SILLY STRING! And they would respond "Ah, haha, I was worried for a minute..." And then I, with my spider-ness would yell "HA ITS WEB, STICKT THAT IN YOUR JUICEBOX AND SUCK IT!" And they would be like  "EW WEB" And then of course there is the wall climbing.. that would be fun, I'd enter every freaking rock climbing contest ever.. Yep. See how I didnt mention saving anyone? Yeah... I would try but you know... things ended oddly for Spidey, I dont know if I want that kind of pressure... Nah... I would definetely save the Puppies.. and people. YAY!

6) Medicine that tasted like anything I could ever want it to taste like and heal whatever I need it to heal.... Why? Because I hate how there is a medicine for every sickness, it gets too confusing! And add the fact that freaking medicine tastes like junk! If I had a medicine that could taste like anything I want and heal desired sickness.. life would be better for everyone. EVERYONE! So what would happen? No more complaining about taking medicine... YAY! And since I already ended one wish with YAY... I willl say absolutely nothing to not end with the word that I almost typed but couldnt type or Id have to keep typing. Yep, waste of time!

So people-icans... Share this on your social website, like/favorite/hype, follow and enjoy. Remember, when you don't remember to post, you have to overthink the next time you do... and the truth is ugly, so share it! PEACE OUT PEOPLE-ICANS!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Out of Time

Alright, so since I am on this tab still, I figured I would rant again. So this time people-icans, I shall rant of something useful! Have you, or have you not.. ever said.. AH I NEED MORE TIME!!!! Well, if you haven't... then you are definetely an octopus.. those things can multitask like no other. So if you are an octopus.. leave, this is of no use to you ;D Anyways, to all you HUMANS out there... I know you have felt like you are out of time. I have felt like I'm always running out of time to do everything I want to do. Sometimes it's over an assignment... sometimes over a game... there are lots of possibilities! So.. what do we do? Well, we just do nothing. No, but seriously... The problem isn't that we are out of time. Its that we don't utilize our time in the most efficient manner. Just imagine if we planned better.. and not just you... all of us, me included! We have this giant list of stuff we WANT to do, but we get caught up in one thing and cannot do anything else. So, people-icans.... we need to plan better. Yes, it is that simple... A nice little schedule to help us keep on the rails of organization... and not derailed into chaos chasm. Haha, alliteration YAY! Anyways... You are probably shaking your head and saying "But thats hard..." And you are right... it's a simple concept, but it's hard sometimes. We get carried away and lose track of time. But... as I must do... here is a little thing to explain it all...

Captain Kirk is aboard the Starship Enterprise.... and he has to warn Spock of all the stuff old Spock told him....and just imagine if Kirk had gotten all caught up in making sure Scotty was okay after being trapped in a water pipe... he would have stood around going "SCOTTY SCOTTY, are you okay? Dude you just almost got chopped up by a freaking water chopper thing!!?!???? WHAT THE HECK, why is that THERE!?" And Scotty would of went off on a rant about his dang teleporter... and then Kirk would of finally be like "hey, what did we come here for?" And look, it is too late.. he forgot his long speech to make Spock emotionally compromised.. and now the Starship Enterprise is going to fail and be taken by the Romulans! Yep, Kirk definetely used his time wrongly.. he should of just been like "GOOD SCOTTY YOU ARE ALIVE, ROLL OUT!" And he would run his hawtness down to Spock, make him emotionally compromised.... take command... and pwn. Yes, pwn. That, people-icans, is good time management.

So, moving forward. We need to learn to manage our time better. If we do that, who knows what would happen. Like those phone commercials where the stuff takes seconds... all that good used time could be the reason you get to go to the store earlier.. and the reason why you meet your true love.. or get the first sample of food... or fine a wallet on the ground. Okay, MAYBE not the last part... at least we SHOULDN'T take it.. So.. yeah anyways. Useful use of time.. equals good times. Less stress, more free time. A Happier you... What does that phrase remind me of... some movie... dang gone it. The Repo Men? Robots? Dang, I dont remember, but there is something familiar about it. Huh, so yeah. Time management is good for the world. A less stressed you, means you will be more likely to dance across a field of flowers. Dancing across a field of flowers... is not good since you trample dandelions... BUT... thats good cause you spread their seeds. AH, Anyways. So yes... time management is good. Plain and simple. SO DO IT! Remember, people-icans.... poor time management leads to being destroyed by Romulans... and If you do manage time, Kirks sexy-ness will live long and prosper.... The truth is ugly, SHARE IT.


Random Ranting - Visions of Springbreak

So, people-icans, this blog is a random rant but its also more topificated! So I have a week left until Spring Break starts, and I can't wait. You're probably thinking... she must be going somewhere.. BUT NO! I am not going anywhere. I will be chilling at home all break. But there IS stuff to do. I definetely have to study for my AP Exam that is next month (EW), and finish my Semantics reading log and project, but THOSE are easy. I could finish that in a day! So yeah, besides doing work and such I'm going to maybe play some video games that I havent played in ages. I know one thing though, its a lot easier when you don't think about what you have to say. Even when I blog I dont really pay attention to what I write, half the time I can't recall any of it. Like Friday, someone asked me what my 3 wishes were on my first post for that series.. and I went blank. I had NO IDEA what I put. But whatever, it works for me. So yeah, Spring Break.... no school, still gotta do stuff. But oh well, a well anticipated break... Thank goodness, I am so tired of waking up at 5:20 every morning... well 6:20 since I get up at 5:20, get dressed and lay back down. Just so when I wake up at 6:20 I am all ready and good to go.. its useful >_> SO yeah... Sleeping in. YES. And some games maybe, television... blogging. Stuff.... my friend will probably want me to hang out with her. So yeah.... Easter? I think easter is during Spring Break.. yeah? Yeah.. haha. So egg hunt? That has become so easy, I'm like a little egg hunt ninja. I dont want the egg of plastic-ness... I want the stuff maybe hidden inside. Unless there's no candy.. some have money though so HUZAH! And of course the freaking baskets of easter-ness. Goodies... yay. Give Give Give. Other than that.. huh.... I can't think of anything else I could possibly do. EH..... Whatever! So people-icans, if you have a Spring Break... side note, why do I keep capitalizing that?.... what are you going to be doing. If its just another normal week for ya, what are you going to continue doing!? Leave a response in the comments below, if there are cool I will post them at the begining of the next random rant! Favorite, rate, share on your social website... Follow.... the works! Remember, Spring Break has a magic that causes capitalization... breaks are really extended days to work... and the truth is ugly, share it! Peace out People-icans!

If I Had a Genie - Part 4

Alright, it is officially Friday.. therefore I have no singing intro to perform... Aw... Soo instead Im going to just post my 3 wishes of the day AND my new graphic that may or may not be good... so before the wishes.. here it is ...

Yes... Super stars with a Genie on the side... thats insane in the membrane..... eh? EH? Anyways..
my 3 wishes..... starting now.

1) A DVD for the 6th Season of Dexter... Why? Because it's not going to air until September and I want to watch it now!!! Dexter is awesome.... the most awesome of all awesome-ness. And I am so excited for it... But it's months away... SIGH OF INWARD ANNOYANCE. Sooo Yeah, I want a nonexistent copy of it ;D What would happen.. Well... lets just say ME... My Parents... and 12 hours of epicness... YEAH!

2) Dumbo the  flying elephant.... Why? Cause he is sooo adorable. I love his immensly huge ears. He's just like "Look at me, I have huge ears that I can wrap around myself like a Blanket.. Look they help me fly... Look, because of them I have a talking mouse!" And I''m like "Nice man... Nice.. TO NEVERLAND" And he can go there... With a flap of his ears we will be off... cause he believes he can fly.. he believes he can touch the... sky or neverland.... Anyways. Yeah talk about adorable transportation. A Bus can't be your pet and be your mobile machine.... Walking  through the street with him on a leash as a pet... decide you dont wanna walk to the store "DUMBO AWAY" And now he is your plane to get you there. Sure I could say a hovercraft but that could be possible in a few years... flying elephant, much more classy. So what would happen? Well, theres going to be a 50% chance of rain and elephant overcast, yep.

3) Every video game in existence... Why? Because then I could just play whatever I felt like.. and since I magically summoned them, whichever ones me and my family dont like can be sold for money. And we would profit because of that awesomeness.... and it would be cool. Plus, helllooo tons of video games. I'd be occupied for a while and just since it's free.. free anything is good to me. So what would happen? A lot of video game playing and many raging blogs when I got stuck on a game!

So, as usual people-icans... Rate this, favorite it, share on your social website thingy, follow and enjoy. Remember, Dexter is the  best, dumbo is a way classier form of transportation than a hovercraft, tons of free video games could equal money... and the truth is ugly, share it! Peace out people-icans!

Friday, April 15, 2011

If I Had A Genie - Part 3

So, here I am once again People-icans!Cause... It is.... Friday.. Friday...  Gotta get down on Friday... Everybodys looking forward to the weekend.. weekend. Hahahahaha, I Hate That Song.  And yes.. yesterday was Thursday and tomorrow is Saturday. Thank you. Moving On... Todays 3 wishes AREEEEEEEE

1) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.... Why? Well... it's not everyday you can have a pet turtle that has a bo staff, nunchuck..numchuck? Whatever.. Anyways, it's not everyday! Personally, I would want the one with the red bandana.. or the blue... or the orange... or the purple. Yes, any of them. Come on, it's a mutant human size turtle, I will not be picky. Just imagine having one though..

FRIDAY COMES... Show-n-tell... You walk in alone..

 Teacher - Why - insert name- where's your show and tell item?

You - Oh, dang gone it, sorry he is shy..

Teacher - What do you mean he?

You - My turtle Leonardo....

Teacher - Ah, that's sweet. Alright, sweetie, go get your turtle. =)


Leo- Ugh, Fine.. - walks in -


You- Hey, Hey, it's cool, he is trained.. Leo SIT.

Leo - What, No, I won't...

You- If you don't want to be taken away.. - leo sits - Good boy!

Yeahhh.. that would rock the socks off of that class, eh?

Anyways, now that I took up most of the page... What would happen.. Well let's just say nobody would be safe from me and.. my.. TEENAGE MUTANT - NINJA TURTLE.. YEAH.

2) MOE From Wall-e.. I feel like I spelled that wrong but... Whatever. Anyways, WHY?! Uh, because he rocks. If you haven't seen the movie, you need to. Anyways, to sum it up MOE is a little bot that cleans up foreign contamination cause it drives him crazy. And since Wall-e is filled with foreign-ness MOE goes like psycho and stalks his trail of nasty-ness.. Anyways, he is so cute hes just like MOE... MOE... MOE. Sort of like Mojo-Jojo... he just says his name alot. But besides his cuteness.. hello, a cleaning device. No more work for me.. Dishes ? MOE GO. And he would be like ... HECKKK YEAHHHH, Cleaning up the mess.. YEAH.. YEAHHHH DAWG! But it would sound like "MOE" cause he doesnt talk much. So what would happen? No more MESSSSS.. Cause ... He ... WOULD CLEAN IT ALL!

3) Damon Salvatore... And you may be going.. show one, or the fictional one we create in our mind. Honestly, either. More likely the figment of my imagination since he is similar to the tv one but without the legal ties to the world and the age.. My imagination Damon is like 19 and sexy.. Tv Damon is 30 but not looking it. But the figment of my imagination one coming to life would be easier to deal with. So him. Anyways.... Besides his look factor.. if you have read the book you know beneath Damon's hard exterior he cares.. he just is so afraid of hurt! But when he exposes his true self... Sigh of Fantasy-ness. HAWT. Hawtness in looks and personality baby! So what would happen... Lets just say I wouldn't be single??????? HAHAHAHAHA, Just kidding.. Or Am I???? Nope I aint =P

So, people-icans, you know the drill. What are your 3 wishes, leave a response in the comments below, for I would love to hear em. Hey, maybe I will even post them on my next blog with my comments on your wishes =D Favorite this post... Share it on your social site-ness... Whatever that may be! And dont forget to FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW.. If you wanna! SO rememeber people-icans.... Mutant Turtles are not for showing and telling unless they promise to sit on command.... MOE is a cleaning ninja and Damon Salvatore is supermegafoxyawesomehawt with a douse of epicness on the side. The truth is ugly... SHARE IT. Peace out!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Excuse me, but you seem a little confused...

Hello to all my people-icans who may or may not be here.... That's right, there is an actual title up there... You know what that means... HAHA NOTHING, I KID! But seriously, I am doing a topificated rant. Yes... I know, hasn't it been AGESSSS. I swear the last one I did was when I had to hook a stone box up to a dinosaur and have it stand in a thunder storm... No, but really. It has been a while. So, forgive me if this does not live up to your expectations. If you are new to this blog... then... just... Assume this is awesome.  So, as I must always do... The following rant is not responsible for psycholigical damage.. Or is it....

                                                              NOW TO BEGIN
There is  a world.... where words... mean nothing. A world where fine.. means bad... and nothing... means something... This world..... is called... Earth. You may or may not be a residence. But if you are.. you MUST have realized that people are a confusing species. One minute they are all fine and dandy.. and the next.. well lets just say it's like someone soaked their legos in gasoline.. You know the feeling. So, people's confusing behavior.. leads to us being confused. Now, to all you readers who may be going "HA I dont get confused, I'm swift..." First off, you just lied... Second, What in the name of all that is good..... does swift mean. If you mean that you are physically fast... then good for you. If that word has been alternated through a series of slang interpretations to mean something else. Then I dont know what you mean so I still shall say nothing. Anyways.... Everyone gets confused, whether it be about relationships, schedules, life, school.... and of course, Science... and Math.... and Everything else. Wanna know the truth... if you aren't confused, then you are obviously a vulcan. Yeah... a Vulcan. As in Spock.. but not him because he became emotionally compromised.. and confused. You're the vulcans that dont become that. Yep.. that one. So where does this usually come from? Why, through a series of events.. unfortunate events? Fortunate Events? Jim Carey playing multiple people events? No! THROUGH PEOPLE AROUND YOU! All your friends?? Yep, them too. I, for one, am confused often. Like today... At lunch, there I sat.. Deep in thought.... reading To Kill A Mockingbird, and you know... I was in a quiet moment... Like a monk... and a G6 (whatever that is) and.... so a friend was like "Whats wrong" I say "Nothin, reading" And so the conversation ends.... One friends accepts it. The other friend.. well.... INSERT MANICAL LAUGHTER... Anyways, so a few periods later, I was done thinking... and as I walked by said friend.. I was like "Hey... I am done thinking!!!" .. No response... "You alright.."... Uber No response... "Did somebody do something 0_0".. No response and Dramatic Walk Off...."Oh okay, thanks for the chit chat"... and of course, no response... Me, I'm wondering if this was all because I was quiet for, what, 20 minutes. I think it was since an hour later when I walked into my class and said "Hi".. I just got this annoyed stare and ... NO RESPONSE... So. I am confused. But, to get to a useful point.. What should we do with confusion? Well, definetely don't fall into a chocolate river while little orange men sing... DUH. Actually.. this is true metaphorically. UBER FLASHBACK RECOLLECTION....  So Augustis.. or Auguste or whatever his name was... Was like "OHHH YEAHHH Chocolate River!!! YEAH!" And so he leaned down.... And fell...  Then a giant tube fell down from the roof.. and he was like "Oooh  a tube... is it like a giant pixie stick?" And then he noticed... Nope it aint, he got CONFUSED, therefore he didnt swim, therefore he was sucked into said tube.. and more confused, he paniced.. and got stuck-ed...... Yes.. stuck-ed. What should he had done.. Well, to get to the source... not lean into a chocolate river.. what if Wonka lied.. that could have been a freaking sewage drain. Anyways... He shouldnt have let himself be distracted by his confusion and get sucked into a pipe... How does this help up? Well.... we as people know... Just because people confuse us doesnt mean we should let it sweep us off our feet. We need to take that confusion at a run... get to a safe spot... decipher our confusion... then take the newfound knowledge to solve the problem. Can't do it... well then this won't help you. Just kidding! If you can't take it at a run.... then just ASK. Go up to the person and simply say "Hey man.. I ain't a Vulcan... so I don't know everything... Sooo, how about you help me out.... and Explain yourself.. for I... am your father... - deep breathing soundy thingy - And if they won't say anything, move on! Who cares, they wanna act like that... let em. Don't act mean about it, just accept it. They don't wanna talk to you.. hey, maybe it ain't worth it anyways. But remember people-icans. First try to understand, if you can't, ask a question.. if you can't get it answered... Then.................................................. Wait.. patiently... until... it is? Or skip it? or... yeah anyways.

REMEMBER.... Confusion is a inevitable part of life that can be fixed with work and if it can't be fixed then obviously it aint something you should worry about to bad especially if it's about something unimportant to your life.... Vulcans have no emotions unless you're Spock.... That one kid from Willy Wonka got stuck in a pipe... and little orange men like to sing.... The truth is ugly... SHARE IT. Rate, Favorite.. Subscribe, follow.. Share to your social website... Whatever you wanna do... PEACE OUT PEOPLE-ICANS!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

If I had a Genie- part 2

Alright, so People-icans a really fast blog since I am getting ready to watch House.. Which I now like! Anyways so here are today's 3 wishes....

1) Mind-reading abilities..... And not the annoying kind like "only when they think it"'but the "hahaha your mind just got stalked" sort of stuff, ya know? So why? Uh, people would be ten times easier to understand and I'd never be confused again!!! The drama that is "he said, she said" would be eliminated, cause I could be like "Bam, read your mind... Now you ain't got no secrets do ya!?! Plus I wouldn't gave to constantly go "ugh I wonder what he/she is thinking!" I'd just know..... Cause I have mind reading...powers. So what would happen? My friends would realize I am epic... Hahahaha.

2)Wolverine Claws (like on X-men).... That would be so cool. Freaking claws, but if I had those the healing ability would need to be included! I mean come on, you could chop up some steaks... Lettuce.... Tomatoes... All that stuff. And you'd never need hedge clippers again... Haha. Sure I wouldn't stab people but just to be like "HUZAH!! Blades in between my knuckles!" and never using them would  still be better than none at  all. So what would happen? A lot of food would  be cut up as ingredients!

3)Bumblebee the Transformer.... Why? Because one, camaros are a super sexy car. I would drive my transforming camaro everywhere. Second, because not only is it a sexy car but it turns into a robot that can shoot stuff... And that's just cool... So, what would happen? Well, let's just say if you see someone going down the highway standing on a giant car robot.... That's me!!

So what our your 3 wishes, People-icans? Leave a response in the comments below, rate this rant, subscribe and share on your social website using the tabs below! Remember the truth is ugly, share it! Peace out, people-icans!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

If I Had A Genie- Part 1

Hey People-icans,this is a new blog series I decided to start. Why did I want to.... Because I could that's why! So what's it about? What I would do if I had a genie!!! Why did I wanna write about this? No idea... But seriously. So to begin...

If I had a genie, I would wish for....

1) That suit Ironman has... Yeah I said it.
Why? Obviously because it's freaking awesome! Especially when he gets into the suit from a suitcase. Talk about prepared for anything. I would definitely put that suit to good use... By shooting cans off a table! Or saving the world... Now.. What would happen if my wish came true? Well, this calls for a flash-forward. I'm pretty sure that there would be no more war, haha, ummmm Dang! I would seriously buy a house or shed and shoot a rocket at it. It just sounds fun, plus imagine going to your friends and being like "yeah, just had another boring weekend... Blew up a shed. Same stuff.." Talk about epicosity.

2)A safe full of money that magically refills itself when it gets low... Why? Well I think the that is an obvious answer. Just so I'd never have to worry about poverrty. And I could give money to my church and donations and never have to worry about it hurting my financial status. Now what would happen if I did have that wish come true.... I'd definitely get a shark with lasers... A mansion... A Ferrari, camaro and Lamborghini... And definitely the first ever transformer ;). Plus I'd end poverty but be really inconspicuous about it. And by that I mean... ID STAND ON A BUILDING AND THROW MONEY AROUND! Huzah! And I would take care of my family forever =P I assumed that was implied when I said I would be financially stable... No I didn't forget Mom, haha

3) I would want a universal remote like on Click... Why? Pause school... Play pranks... Skip commercials(seriously I hate em), I'd definitely change my skin color to blue or green. Haha I'd go into China and add subtitles to their speaking-ness. Infinite possibilities!

So to end this blog... Reply in the comments below to share your 3 wishes. If you are really into your wishes, make a post about it like I did and send a link. Share this on Facebook and Twitter or whatever those other options are, Subscribe to moi!... And remember! The truth is ugly, share it! Peace off people-icans!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Verizon, cable and Brighthouse... oh my!!

So recently, people-icans, I have learned the strategies of big enterprises. How you ask, why this song should explain it....

I'm hitting all the buttons
But the tv won't come on.....
So I called Verizon
But all they did was do me wrong...
You tell me that you're sorry
And that you will be around
But you can't just say you're sorry
And think I won't make a sound...

It's too late, I got Brighthouse, it's too late
I said it's too late, I got Brighthouse.. It's too late

I tried to let you fix it, take some time
To wait for you.
But I really need some tv
And cable just won't do...
I stayed with you forever
Now I know it just ain't true...
You never cared about me and
There's nothing left to do...

It's too late, I got Brighthouse, it's too late..
I said it's too late, I got Brighthouse, it's too late

It's too late, I got Brighthouse, it's too late
I said it's too late, I got Brighthouse, it's too late
It's too late, I got Brighthouse, yeah
I said it's too late, I got Brighthouse, yeah...
I'm hitting all the buttons,
But the tv won't come on...

And that is how I felt!
Anyways, the strategy I learned is that businesses only care when your leaving. After a storm, we lost power and Internet. Verizon said there was no way they could come out, the next day we called to cancel so we could switch to Brighthouse, and all of a sudden, Verizon had so many offers to give us and an elite team to come help us. And all I had to say is that's it's too late, I got Brighthouse, it's too late.. But seriously. Why is it they only want to give goodndeals and help you when youre leaving them. They are like the sociopathic boyfriend nobody wants. So remember People-icans, Buisnesses care when they are at risk not you! The truth is ugly Share Itt!!! Peace out people-icans!